Some of you may have noticed that a few developers have been exploiting the free submission of apps to BlackBerry World and using it as a promotional tool. @gpheheise pointed out to me that the worst offender by far is S4BB. As of this article BlackBerry World is reporting that S4BB has over 47,000+ Apps in BlackBerry World.


Either way having 47,000 apps definitely skews any BlackBerry World statistics. I am sure other App Stores have tons of spam and fart apps but I was not aware that BlackBerry World was similarly afflicted by a single developer. This just goes to show that BlackBerry should be focusing on the quality apps instead of the quantity of apps.

What do you think? How should BlackBerry handle this sort of BlackBerry World app flooding? Are they doing the right thing by letting them in and letting users decide if they should buy or ignore them?
[ONE App Developer Responsible for 47,000+ Apps in BlackBerry World? sur]

D’après certaines sources, il y aurait moins de 200k applications sur le store BlackBerry. Plus d’un quart serait donc le fait de S4BB Limited.

Fait intéressant concernant cette société, elle est basée à Hong-Kong, et malgré une productivité hors normes, elle ne possède pas ses propres bureaux :

You can contact us by mail:

S4BB Limited
1104 Crawford House
70 Queen’s Road Central
Hong Kong
[About S4BB Limited sur]

Une rapide recherche nous apprend qu’à cette adresse on ne trouve que des bureaux virtuels, et que S4BB Limited a pour voisins virtuels un importateur de vins italiens, un importateur de vins canadiens, une société d’aide au développement d’autres sociétés, un facilitateur d’échange de droits d’émission de carbone